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Reusing Your Vessel Guide 

Guide on how to make the most out of your vessel


• Once you have finished burning your candle, allow wax to fully cool and solidify. 

• Remove the remains of the candle & wick with a spoon.

• Pour hot water into the jar and allow to sit until the water is cool. This way the wax will float to the top.

• Remove the water and remaining wax. (Put into empty bottle. Do not put down the sink as it may cause clogging)

• Last of all wipe away any excess wax on the jar with a lukewarm cloth and a small amount of soap.

• It is ready to be reused for another candle (link below); house plants, tea light, make up brushes, tooth brush, or stationary.


Due to the material base - we don't recommend to use the pot outside as it will not sustain the weather changes.

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