About Us


                     Me in my workshop

Hi, I'm Michaela. 

Oleilu all started in 2022 when I saw a body-shaped candle and thought, "Wow! That's amazing. I want it... no, I can make that."

I started making candles in all different shapes, and because it was late October, I made a lot of Christmas designs. After the first few months of attending markets, the business ideas took over.

When deciding on a business name, I spent days searching for something perfect. I didn’t want to use my name because it's too long, but I stumbled across Oleilu, pronounced (Oh-Lay-Loo). Oleilu is a Finnish word that means "To Relax And Just Be."      

              Our first stall November 2022

From getting a Jesmonite tray kit for Christmas to making trays, and then moving on to candle vessels, with endless testing and video watching, the business grew from a little idea to my whole life.

I am proud to have the range and knowledge that I do, from my experience in healthcare and customer service, and I am proud of the business I have built. I often think back to the name I chose for the business and think, "I made the perfect choice."

From the range of products I have now, I believe I have something to suit everyone's tastes, and I hope that people can use our products, and even if it’s for just a few minutes, they take the time to relax and have a moment of self-care. One main thing that I love about the products is that I make everything myself, from the packaging/stickers all the way through to the final product. All the ingredients are made with natural ingredients.

I still work full-time at an eye hospital and spend my evenings in the workshop and weekends at Manchester Markets. I am a permanent trader at Heaton Moor (every 1st Sunday of the month), and I attend Altrincham Market regularly. I hope one day my dream of becoming full-time will come true. They say, "Choose a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life," and I know exactly how that feels.

   market stall at reddish    christmas market